| 1- Amit Kumar Pandey – Aldebaran Robotics - France
Developing Socially Intelligent Robots: A Commercial Perspective, where End User Needs and Research Meets
| 2- Jun Tani – Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) - South Korea
Development of Functional Hierarchies for Visual Recognition and Action Generation: "Synergetic" Coordination of them in Humanoid Robots
| 3- Sonya S. Kwak – Ewha Womans University - South Korea
The Effects of Robot Designs on the Consumers' Acceptance of Robots
| 4- Yukie Nagai – Osaka University - Japan
Predictive Learning of Sensorimotor Information as a Key for Cognitive Development
| 5- Lorenzo Natale – Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Italy
Visual Learning of Objects and Tools on the iCub Robot